Contact us

Let’s talk!  Tell us how we are doing or what you would like to see us doing…share your ideas…or let’s set up a time to visit.  Let us know if you would like information on volunteering, special events or Planned Giving.  If you have any questions about how to make a donation or would like to visit about a special donation in memory or honor of someone special to you, we would welcome a visit with you.

Stop in–the Big Stone Health Care Foundation offices are located in the Dialysis Unit building.   Entering through the front doors, walk through the lobby area and take the first left.  Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or reach us by one of the following methods:

Send us an email:

Or regular mail:
Big Stone Health Care Foundation
450 Eastvold Avenue
Ortonville, MN  56278

Or pick up the phone:
(320) 839-4135